Saturday, January 26, 2013

This week in Titusville, Jan. 26, 1888

Mr. W.P. Day is now clearing the timber from Mr. E.L. Brady’s young grove in Turnbull Hammock.  Mr. Day can claim the credit for having helped to make every orange grove in LaGrange.

Delightful  weather in Florida, while people are being frozen to death in other parts of our country.

Mr. L.R. Decker’s horse received a serious injury to the hind leg from coming in contact with a barbed wire fence, last week.

The ladies will call the Bazar or Fair, to be held on the 13th and 14th, proximo, St. Valentine’s Fair.  The prominent feature will be St. Valentine‘s post office, which will undoubtedly, be a great attraction for the young folks.

A party of about a dozen started for the ocean beach, on Sunday, but owing to the light winds did not get any further than Black Point, so they returned about five o’clock in the evening declaring they had  a good time “alle samee.”

The tourists are commencing to arrive in larger numbers now.  The train yesterday afternoon was crowded.

The rumors that were afloat, on Tuesday, that a deaf mute printer named John Hale, who has been at work at the STAR office, was run over by the cars at Sanford, on Monday, are probably true.   Hale left Titusville on Sunday or Monday, and left a note addressed to the editor of the STAR, stating that he was tired of Titusville and was going to the far west-Wyoming or Montana-where rent was not so high, and where he could get remunerative employment.  Some of Hale’s friends here seem to think he may have committed suicide, as he had been very despondent of late.

The Governor has designated Wednesday, the 8th of February, as Arbor Day for 1888, especially recommends its appropriate observance in the way of planting trees and shrubs for the beautifying of public grounds.

Married Conductors Preferred
     The railroad companies, as a rule, greatly prefer that their conductors should be men of family for the two fold reason that they are more easily located when wanted, and, for the influence for good that a loving wife and affectionate children may have over him.  “A man will often hesitate before doing wrong which might send him to the penitentiary when he has a wife and children at home to look after and care for,” remarked a railroad superintendent yesterday.  This led him to say that the fatigues of the long run made the conductors anxious for the peace and quiet of home, and when they have one they can nearly always be found at it. 
     Conductors dissipate very little nowadays.  The man who drinks, even when off duty is not the proper party to intrust with the lives of a great number of people.   It is a rare thing to see one of them in a barroom, and even if seen there he does not tarry long. One of the oldest and most popular conductors in St. Louis is a present laying off with no prospect of securing a job again soon.  He has be resting for a year.  When the superintendent for whom he worked was asked the reason for his enforced idleness he candidly answered that there was nothing against the man except his failing of taking an occasional drink.  The company could not afford to employ men who tippled for such responsible work when there were so many good and temperate men anxious to fill the same positions.---Globe-Democrat

*All spelling is as it was in the "Florida Star"

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