Sunday, January 20, 2013

This Week in Titusville, Thursday, Jan 19, 1888

Lawn tennis still continues to be the favorite Saturday afternoon sport of our young LaGrangites.

The members of the LaGrange Literary Society are requested to meet at the church Saturday, January 21st at 7pm for the purpose of forming a Chautauqua Literary circle. All others desiring to join the Circle, are cordially invited to attend this meeting. 

There will be Episcopal service, at Wager Hall, next Sunday morning, at 10:30 o’clock.

We hear that the play of “Caste” will shortly be performed in our town.

S. A Belcher has added a new counter to his confectionary and soda-water stand, changing his soda font to a more advantageous position.

The ladies of Titusville will hold a fancy fair or bazaar on the 13th and 14th of February for the benefit of the Episcopal Church.  Among the attractions will be St. Valentine’s post office where valentines can be purchased and mailed: a Dutch garden, an art gallery, and other varieties.  The art gallery will be under the charge of Mrs. M.P. Robbins.  Further particulars will be published later.

The Indian River Steamboat Company expect their new stern-wheel steamer, Georgiana, to arrive on the river in about a week. The boat will take the place of the Cleo, running from Melbourne to Jupiter.  The Georgiana is about 120 feet long and built expressly for her route. 

Important Meeting

A citizen’s meeting will be held at the Court House Saturday, January 21st, at one o’clock standard time, to which everybody is invited.
The object of this meeting is to devise ways and means for opening a public road from Titusville north through the hammock to the county line. It is of greatest importance that every citizen within 15 miles should be present.  We must do something to make our town more attractive, and the magnificent hammock lands, north of town must be opened.  No step has that been taken for years is of such vast moment to Titusville.  If this road is opened, it will give a 15-mile drive, unequalled in the State.   It will afford transportation to the hammock, induce the immediate settlement and cultivation of these rich hammock lands, and will attract tourists, and give a great pastime to the guests of our hotels, and thus instead of only a few guests, our hotels will be crowded …….If we expect to stop people in Titusville and its vicinity, we must show the attractions in our section.  This can never be done without a road…………..Enterprising citizens, will you not turn out in mass next Saturday, and begin at once this important work?

*All spelling is as it was in the "Florida Star"

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