Sunday, February 10, 2013

This Week in Titusville, February 9, 1888

St. Valentine's Fair in Titusville was front page news

 St. John's later became St. Gabriel's


Mr. Hawthorne’s brother has arrived to view the improvements around Mims.

Quite a number of LaGrange citizens made a visit to Jones & Wiley’s grove, and spent a pleasant day.

Miss Hazen left us again , on Friday, to visit friends at Rockledge.

Don’t forget the Fancy Fair on the 13th and 14th inst.

Dr. McCormick has completed his tasty little cottage in North Titusville.

The Firemen had a very enthusiastic meeting, at their hall, on Monday evening.

Mr. Meyers, the machinist in charge of the ice factory, is getting along quite rapidly with the machinery.

Mr. N.C. Bryan has gone to Jacksonville for a few days to visit the Sub-Tropical and “do” the Metropolis.

We are pleased to state that Mr. G. F. Ensey is gradually recovering from his recent severe and protracted illness, and an early restoration to health is expected.

Arch-deacon Carpenter delivered an interesting address, last Sunday afternoon, at Wager’s Hall, the subject being a “Brief History of the Episcopal Church,” reviewing from the days of the Apostles down to the present century.  Services were also, held n the morning, to a very fair congregation. 

It is with pleasure that we announce that the Templeton Opera Co. have engaged Wager’s Hall for two nights next week, the same being Friday and Saturday, the 17th and 18th inst.  We hope the citizens of Titusville will appreciate the enterprise this company shows visiting our town, and will give them a full house.  Their expenses are large, and there are quite a number in the company.  This is, undoubtedly, the largest and best Comic Opera Company that has visited our State. 

Messrs. G. H. Altree and Howell Titus, who left here Tuesday week, on a hunting expedition, returned to Titusville on Monday evening.  They report having spent a pleasant time, but the “trophies of the chase” appeared to be rather scarce.

Bishop Weed and Arch-deacon Carpenter expect to visit Indian River and Lake Worth from the 20th to the 26th inst., and during this time will call upon all the missions on the Indian River coast, expecting to arrive at Lake Worth on the last date, above mentioned.

Thursday, February 23rd, has been advertised as  “Brevard Day” at the Sub-Tropical Exposition.  As the President and wife are expected there on the 22nd to remain a day or so, this will give our citizens a chance of taking in the Sub-Tropical, and also viewing the President at the same time – a chance that will not offer itself again, perhaps, for a long time.  Everyone on Indian River, who can possibly get away, should go.  The rate by rail will be very cheap, though not full decided on as yet. 


Boston Mamma-You mustn’t speak of your legs, Flossie, when we have company.  It isn’t polite.   Flossie-What should I say, mamma, drumsticks? – New York Sun.

Father-Come, Bobby, you are all tired out; so hurry off to bed.  Bobby, (with a slow and reluctant movement) – Pa, you oughtn’t to tell a boy to hurry up when he is all tired out.  – Philadelphia North American.

When little Meg saw a picture of Christian, with the burden on his back, she looked at it curiously for a minute and then asked.  “Mamma, what makes manny wear his bustle so high up on his back. – Boston Transcript.


  1. Awesome Stuff!!!! Love this Town! Thanks St Gabriel's for putting this great stuff up! Debbie Shuler

  2. Thank you. We are having a wonderful time posting.
